
A Girl and A Crowbar

Thursday, June 24th we tore down the home. Many people assumed that it would be a sad day for our family. I think the kids were sad to see the only home they had ever known or could remember torn down. On the other hand, I was so ready to see it leveled. I appreciated all of the phone calls to check in and see how we were coping, but honestly, it was just such a great feeling that we were finally going to get the space and home we ultimately desired. I hope that makes sense to many of you.

In the days leading up to the 24th, Harv, the kids and I took pleasure in getting a little “smash” therapy in as we went around the house banging on walls, tearing up tile and wood planks in the kitchen that were such a pain in the butt to clean.

Open Air
Gabi’s breakthrough

It was awesome pushing the air conditioner through the window in those final days. When we purchased the house, we had floor board heating and no air conditioning. We had several cooling units throughout the house, except in the kitchen. Needless to say, we are very much looking forward to having central heat and air in the new home!

Looking into Nik’s room from the G & H’s room!
Gabi takes control of her weapon in her room and closet!
Master Closet Destruction!


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